Successful legal aid organizations do what has always worked: They end injustice one person at a time through vigorous individual representation. They collaborate beyond the legal realm and make themselves irreplaceable in the community. They stretch and strive.
Reimagining Legal Aid is an effort to increase the impact, power and sustainability of the nation’s legal service providers. Here is how we can enhance your work:
We open new markets for fundraising opportunities and work with organizations to generate new sources of income. We can move your organization beyond traditional sources to increase your budget and develop strategies to secure sustainable funding.
We identify and engage businesses and government agencies to support Access to Justice efforts across the nation. We can help you make better use of your program data and reach audiences beyond the legal world.
RLA designs tools to count what counts. We help organizations improve their impact by creating logic models, outcome-based measures and program evaluation plans. We interpret raw data and outcomes, producing reports that demonstrate that good lawyers help people improve their lives.
LA helps organizations set ambitious goals and unleash the potential of their staff. We develop budgets, facilitate strategic plans and create decision making tools to assist with resource allocation and staffing issues.
Reimagining Legal Aid provides coaching, planning, consultation and training to help organizations that do good, do better. With over 20 years experience building new initiatives and catalyzing partnerships, we are ready to reinvigorate your work.
RLA is a partnership between MCG and Greater Good Consulting. Contact us to transform your organization.
Lydia Watts Cole McMahon